This Memorial Day we were able to make it more meaningful! Velzy's teacher asked if anyone could help put flags on the Veteran's graves at Midway Cemetery.
Velzy gladly volunteered us!
We were all happy to do it!
Nathan had a list of names, we walked around to find the graves, and the kids put the flags on.
It was a great family activity!
Thanks Velzy for singing us up!
Time for some hiking
On Memorial Day we took our first hike in Midway. It was too fun. It was more like a stroll along the Provo River. But, the kids thought it was pretty darn fun.
Throwing rocks in the river was definitely the highlight.
Even Daddy loved it.
First shot at a family picture.
Then some nice Utahn offered to take it.
Then we headed into Heber for shakes at Dairy Keen.
Everyone has to have there own favorite flavor. Chocolate mint is pretty popular along with cake batter.
We even saw the Stirlands there!
Then we headed home for a BBQ.
The Wingars were supposed to come but they were all sick. We missed them.
Colin enjoyed the chocolate lasagna. He has rubbed everything chocolate on his face forever! Oreo's, pudding, ice cream! It's pretty funny.
Oh and pasta now too.